Mula: The Long-Eared Hero of the Old Spanish Trail

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Mula: The Long-Eared Hero  of the Old Spanish Trail

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S&H +$3.00


Everyone wanted mules.  Americans were on the move…headed west and there was no sturdier, more powerful and reliable means of travel than a mule. These California mules, along with finely trained Vaquero horses were driven twelve hundred miles up the Old Spanish Trail from Los Angeles to Santa Fe and then seven hundred more miles up the Santa Fe Trail to Independence Missouri. 

Today, mule people are just as enthusiastic about their mules as they were in the 1800s. Mules are tough, intelligent, easy keepers, always ready to do the job.

Meet the men who know the mule’s secrets and sing his praises — packers Ross Knox and Graham Goodfield, mule traders Rufus and Dickie Reese, log-skidder Thomas Summers, draft mule man Charile Reed.

Stories featured on the DVD include the history of Old Spanish Trail, the importance of mules, the packing tradition, the genetics of mules and mule breeding, the passion of modern day packers and the award-winning music of Dave Stamey and Juni Fisher.

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